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أنظمة إدارة التعلم (منصات تعليمية)

أنظمة إدارة التعلم : منصات تعليمية

Edmodo is known for its easy user interface and is very popular with many


This is part LMS and part interaction tool. This is a very simple app

available on all devices which allows teachers to very easily create

objects for students to interact with.

This is a full featured LMS which has a great user interface

A full featured LMS

This is made by LightSpeed which makes internet filtering software

and hardware. If a school uses their filtering software then it is free for the

school or district

A simple to use, yet powerful LMS

This is a simple to use platform for hosting and interacting with

video content

This is an open source platform which is free but needs a school or

district to host the platform

This LMS has been around for a long time and many use this


This site has crowd sourced videos and builds in interactivity into

the whole flipped experience

This is an LMS tied to country standards and is popular in Europe

Google has created a nice LMS like instance that many teachers are using very effectively to flip their classrooms

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